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Easen Corp

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vineyard wire
vineyard wire
Specification: 080mmand.099mm
Detail: Special made for vineyard wires, Sizes:.080" and.099" Tensiles: Low 70 - 90 KPSI High 170 -190 KPSI Package: Traverse Coils 5x100 lbs each Galvanized Coating:.80 oz/ft

co2 welding wire
co2 welding wire
Specification: 0. 6-1. 6mm (. 023-. 0625)
Detail: Co2 Welding Wire AWS A5. 18 ER70S-6 0. 6-1. 6mm (. 023-. 0625) 1kg, 5kg, 15kg, 20kg (2# , 10# , 30# , 33# , 44# ) plastic and basket spools and 100-400kg drums packing

galfan steel wire
galfan steel wire
Specification: above 2.2mm
Detail: Zn5Al wire in rosette coils or ordinary coils Coating 366g/m2 ( 1.2 oz/sqft ) max

cable armouring wire
cable armouring wire
Specification: 0.87 - 3.15mm
Detail: For underground and submarine cables. Quality according to BS EN10257 -1, -2. 0.87 - 3.15mm 500-1000kg rosette coils Huge capacity, good resistance according to IEC60502

black annealed steel wire
black annealed steel wire
Specification: 0.15-5.0mm
Detail: Soft quality Oiled or dry 5-25-50 - 500-1000kg coils available Customer designed items are always welcome.

submerged arc welding wire
submerged arc welding wire
Specification: 2. 0-5. 0mm
Detail: Submerged Arc Welding Wire AWS A5. 17 EL8, EL12, EM12, EH14, EA2, etc. Size: 2. 0-5. 0mm Precision layer winding coils

cold heading quality wire
cold heading quality wire
Specification: 0.8-1.4mm
Detail: We professionally supply CHQ wires from.08" - 1.40". 1018A,1022A,10B21,10B33, JIS SCM435 to 440. Equipped with ***** LOI furnace Packing with formers Big capacity and competitive price

flux cored welding wire
flux cored welding wire
Specification: 1.0 - 1.6mm
Detail: Mild steel AWS A5.20 / E71T-1, E70T-5,etc Stainless steel AWS A5.22 / E307T0-1/-4, E308T1-1/-4, E316T0-1/-4, etc. Size: 1.0 - 1.6mm / ABS and wire basket spools 15kg

co2 welding wire
co2 welding wire
Specification: 0.8-1.6MM
Detail: Our wire has an even and firm adhesion for the copper coating. As copper smoke in welding is harmful to the welders, we make it as thin as possible, of cause under the condition of none corrosions of the wire surface.
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